T-Shirts have been distributed throughout the State, and LETR Runs have been planned in all corners of the State starting on May 31, 2017, concluding with the FINAL LEG at Towson University on Friday June 9, 2017. Please check with your agency liaison for details about your route, or for information about 2017 LETR shirts. Below is a link for your 2017 waiver for your run.
**Sign-up today for the Torch Run**
You can now register for the 2017 Maryland Law Enforcement Torch Run! The Torch Run has historically been all about awareness for Law Enforcement support of Special Olympics Maryland but now you can raise money for Special Olympics Maryland athletes while raising awareness! Registration is easy and open to any law enforcement agency member, military personnel or civilian that would like to participate. Follow the below steps to get started: 1. Go to: www.marylandtorchrun.com 2. Go to Register Here 3. Go to Join Team 4. Select the Torch Run Leg you would like to join This is your chance to run with the Special Olympics torch and raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Maryland athletes! Thank you for your support of Special Olympics Maryland and our Athletes.
Special Olympics Summer Games will be held all weekend June 10 & 11, 2017 at Towson University, and here we will need your help with the Final Leg, Honor Guard and Medal Presentation.